E. E. S. No. 10 "Héroes de Malvinas"

Escuela de Educación Secundaria de seis años con orientación en:

  • Ciencias Sociales
  • Economía y Administración

Bachillerato de Adultos con orientación en Ciencias Sociales

Rosales 1132,

Remedios de Escalada (Lanús Oeste),
Buenos Aires
011 4202 4837

25th Anniversary of E. E. S. No. 10 Héroes de Malvinas

A photo I really love project

On 6th June 2013, E. E. S. No. 10 Héroes de Malvinas, a.k.a. E.N.C.R.E. (Escuela Nacional de Comercio de Remedios de Escalada) or Media 10 de Remedios de Escalada, turned 25. So we decided to carry out a mini project to celebrate this event.

year 2 stream 1

Year-2 students attending night school chose a photo they really love and wrote a caption for it. Then, they published the photo together with its caption on ¨thinglink.. . This mini project was carried out to help students develop their communicative competence in English while developing a deeper sense of school community.


About the Conectar Igualdad programme @ E. E. S. No. 10

Mr. Luis Dorrego, teacher of ICT, tells us about his first impression and views on the implementation of the national programme Conectar Igualdad at this state secondary school.

He talks about the potential benefits of the 1:1 model at state schools within the province of BA in Argentina.

FM 88.7 Vientos de Radio

This is a very interesting whole school project that involves students' active participation in producing and broadcasting different radio programmes on a daily basis.

The project was launched by Mr. Luis Dorrego about 3 years ago but that project has recently evolved and turned into something bigger...

Vientos FM 93.5

Click Vientos FM 93.5 and enjoy!

Héroes de Malvinas - Online School Newspaper

Another very interesting whole school project was launched in 2011...

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